Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
To Dial, Or Not To Dial…That Is The Question!
We live in an era where technology is full-steam ahead and constantly changing. We hear this from our clients throughout our work at Farland Group — that companies are in a game of cat-and-mouse to keep up with one another. Technology is the reason it’s so easy to open my email first thing in the morning and send that quick note to the assistant I’ve been chasing for two weeks.
Measure Your Teams on Customer Outcomes Not Contract Delivery
B2B leaders often measure their teams on contract terms and SLAs instead of customer outcomes and business goals. This is short sighted and can result in limited engagements.
Customer Advocacy: It’s a Win-Win
A vibrant customer advocacy program is not just a selling tool, it is a win-win for both the organization and the customer.
Black Friday in the Digital Age
With the rise of online retailers, consumers don’t have a reason to rush out after they eat their turkey dinner; they can sit back, relax and shop online from the likes of their home, and still enjoy those Black Friday savings.
Small Gestures Create Differentiated Customer Experiences
At Farland Group, we hear the term “differentiated customer experience” frequently during our calls with clients. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to “wow” their customers and give them a compelling reason to revisit their store, click on their website or make a purchase.
Retail Therapy: 3 Secrets Behind Thriving Brick-and-Mortars [Article]
[AS SEEN IN TOTAL RETAIL] Three common traits shared by successful retailers navigating omnichannel experiences
Customer Engagement and One-on-One Connections
If I had to describe in two words what Farland Group specializes in—my answer would be customer engagement. But what do I mean by customer engagement? If customers are buying products and services, aren’t they already engaged?
Find Moments for Celebration in Your Transformation Agenda
Building and leading a transformation agenda requires an internal focus and energy to keep employees engaged and focused on continued progress. Three simple steps to remember from our client work.
What Do Your Hobby and Day Job Have in Common?
I’ve never thought about comparing my hobby to my day job, but that’s because I’ve never taken the time to think about how the two could be similar. In How Your Hobbies Can Make You a Better CEO, Derek Schoettle, GM, Watson Data Platform, IBM, points out how a person’s hobby directly relates to their job, and the lessons you can apply to both.
Being “Uncomfortable” and Applying it to Your Engagement Strategy
Until recently, I hadn’t thought about how stepping out of my “comfort zone” in my career would benefit me — after all, who really wants to be uncomfortable while they’re working?
B2B Influencer Relations in the Age of Transparency [Article]
Influencer relations and strategic inner circles have been around for some time, but the digital era has certainly contributed to their evolution.
Customer Experiences Out-Perform Product Loyalty Every Time
83 percent of U.S. consumers say having a positive customer experience with a brand is more important than the product itself. For those of us who spent our careers in B2B businesses, where the investment and innovation dollars have gone to product, this is a very significant finding.
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
Set up a new board for success
Diagnose and improve an under-performing board
Make a successful board even better