Farland Group

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Why would my customers join an advisory board?

There is no end to the programs, meetings, and conferences to which your customers get invited…each with their own promises of time well spent.

Executives invest energy in programs that make a difference to the way they do business.

Boards—when designed and facilitated well—can be distinct by offering members a combination of:

  • Influence on your strategy, in which they have a vested interest

  • In-depth interaction with peers

  • Co-created agendas targeted to their business challenges and priorities

  • Direct access to your top executives and experts

  • A pitch-free, constructive and confidential setting

Your board must be a two-way proposition.

Your advisors offer you strategic counsel, as well as insight into their organizations and thinking. You prove to them you’re listening. And you offer them an ongoing opportunity to dive deep into relevant issues and innovative thinking with both your team and the smart group of peers you convene.