Farland Group

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What is a customer advisory board?

Companies apply “customer advisory board”, “client advisory council”, and similar terms to almost any forum involving customer input and interaction. Such a broad definition—“a forum for customer feedback”—causes confusion. Which customers? Feedback about what? Who needs insight? How will they use it?

Customer advisory boards are strategy-level listening and sounding boards

Consider three different levels for customer feedback—product, solutions, strategy. Do you have a clear consensus about which kind of forum you’re trying to create?

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Farland Group’s definition of a customer advisory board

In our minds, a customer advisory board is a strategy-level listening tool and sounding board that offers equal value to both you and participating customers:

  • builds relationships between key, senior customers and stakeholders

  • meets multiple times a year

  • advises on and shapes strategy, product/service direction, and innovation

  • fosters an ongoing, collaborative dialogue about the market

A customer advisory board IS NOT a:

  • lead generation tool

  • conference or event

  • focus group

  • research program

Conspicuously absent: Any type of selling, pitching, or in-depth product testing and discussion. Why? Those discussions misuse your advisors’ time. They undermine the trust, energy, and engagement that are critical to get the most valuable, strategic advice.