What is a customer advisory board?

Companies apply “customer advisory board”, “client advisory council”, and similar terms to almost any forum involving customer input and interaction. Such a broad definition—“a forum for customer feedback”—causes confusion. Which customers? Feedback about what? Who needs insight? How will they use it?

Customer advisory boards are strategy-level listening and sounding boards

Consider three different levels for customer feedback—product, solutions, strategy. Do you have a clear consensus about which kind of forum you’re trying to create?

Call it...

User Group
Focus Group

Focus Group
Co-creation Lab
Collaborative Design

Customer Advisory Board
Client Advisory Council

Improve satisfaction with specific, existing products or services
Develop new products or services

Accelerate change
Uncover opportunities
Strengthen relationships
Shape future strategies and markets

Day-to-day, tactical users
Tactical users, process owners, or others with a view on need
Peer executives from customer organizations and your own

Farland Group’s definition of a customer advisory board

In our minds, a customer advisory board is a strategy-level listening tool and sounding board that offers equal value to both you and participating customers:

  • builds relationships between key, senior customers and stakeholders

  • meets multiple times a year

  • advises on and shapes strategy, product/service direction, and innovation

  • fosters an ongoing, collaborative dialogue about the market

A customer advisory board IS NOT a:

  • lead generation tool

  • conference or event

  • focus group

  • research program

Conspicuously absent: Any type of selling, pitching, or in-depth product testing and discussion. Why? Those discussions misuse your advisors’ time. They undermine the trust, energy, and engagement that are critical to get the most valuable, strategic advice.


Defining a Client Advisory Board


What value will an advisory board create…and how soon?