Advice & Insight

Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.

Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.

Customer Advisory Boards Camille Freni-Antonetti Customer Advisory Boards Camille Freni-Antonetti

What are You Working on at this Time of Year?

As 2018 comes to a close and we look forward to the new year, I find myself reflecting on some of our priority areas at Farland Group — both for the boards we work on as well as my own day-to-day work. While we concentrate on these areas throughout the year, we need to maintain the momentum we began on January 2. Below are a few things that are imperative as we soon start the New Year.

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Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.

  • Set up a new board for success 

  • Diagnose and improve an under-performing board

  • Make a successful board even better