Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
Stop Admiring the Problem…Get Thee to a Customer Advisory Board Meeting!
I know brainstorm sessions can prove to be extremely valuable. Why? Because we hear it often in our work at Farland Group — whether in a customer advisory board meeting, or in a working group session in between board meetings.
Customer Advisory Board 101: What it is that I do
Explaining to family and friends what my job entails around customer advisory board work is complicated. When people ask about what I do, I find myself using long-winded sentences that sometimes trail off into the sunset as I provide every little detail. Because what we do at Farland Group involves many different puzzle pieces.
Benefits of a Customer Advisory Board
Have you ever thought about starting a customer advisory board? Where would you even begin? Who do you contact for help? And what is the benefit of establishing a board in the first place?
Back to Work!
During our annual Farland Group kickoff meeting, our President, Jane Hiscock, had asked us (and I’m paraphrasing here) — share a goal you achieved and the steps you took to get there.
All is Not Lost for Brick and Mortar in the Digital Age of Shopping
A couple of years ago, I ventured out on Black Friday to find uncrowded stores, likely due to technology and the shift in the way consumers buy products. And last year on Thanksgiving night, I decided to switch it up a bit and opted to shop online.
Time to Slow Down…
I recently wrote an article on how the millennial generation (my generation) devours new technologies and is focused on getting tasks accomplished in a fast, agile way.
From One Generation to Another, Technologically Speaking
During a recent meeting I attended, we discussed how this evolution of technology, or digitization, affects the workforce — specifically how millennials are driving culture change and the difference in millennials from past generations.
To Dial, Or Not To Dial…That Is The Question!
We live in an era where technology is full-steam ahead and constantly changing. We hear this from our clients throughout our work at Farland Group — that companies are in a game of cat-and-mouse to keep up with one another. Technology is the reason it’s so easy to open my email first thing in the morning and send that quick note to the assistant I’ve been chasing for two weeks.
Small Gestures Create Differentiated Customer Experiences
At Farland Group, we hear the term “differentiated customer experience” frequently during our calls with clients. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to “wow” their customers and give them a compelling reason to revisit their store, click on their website or make a purchase.
Being “Uncomfortable” and Applying it to Your Engagement Strategy
Until recently, I hadn’t thought about how stepping out of my “comfort zone” in my career would benefit me — after all, who really wants to be uncomfortable while they’re working?
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
Set up a new board for success
Diagnose and improve an under-performing board
Make a successful board even better