Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
Getting to a Customer Engagement Mindset
Many marketers are stuck in an activity mindset, focused more on the event calendar and the client reference database than strategic conversations with customers. In contrast, an engagement mindset creates a strategy focused from the outside-in rather than from the inside-out. Here are ways to shift your approach toward an engagement mindset, even when you can't achieve a full-scale transformation.
From Seller to Advisor: Engage Your Customers to Help You Stop Pitching
At the 2015 ITSMA annual conference, we considered, "If it is all about the customer experience, why are we still pitching?" We share the key takeaways from our discussion with Janis Fratamico, Director, Relationship Marketing at Bloomberg and David Coates, Director, Customer Programs at Iron Mountain, about relationship-based engagement...and four ways your can help your organization work from a customer point of view.
Listening and Acting: The Virtuous Circle of Engagement
Listening and acting are two concepts that are absolutely critical to the health and longevity of customer advisory boards.
B2B Marketing Summit – London 2016: The Power of Customer Advocacy in Times of Disruptive Transformation [SPEAKING]
Jane Hiscock, President, Farland Group and Alison Orsi, VP of Marketing, IBM will be presenting at the B2B Marketing Summit, London, June 22, 2016.
Picking Up the Phone: The Human Touch in Customer Experience
Choosing the phone over email adds value to your relationships with your customers, enriches the customer experience, and increases efficiency.
Customer Advisory Boards: A Ticket to Understanding Transformation
Business transformation and disruption are not new concepts. But our clients' advisory boards are expressing a new urgency to grapple with them. These boards are helping our clients (and us) understand what leaders believe they need to succeed.
Achieving Long-Term Loyalty [Article]
[AS SEEN IN LOYALTY360] Customers are more marketing savvy than ever and will immediately question whether your brand is authentic and motivated by their best interest or the company’s self-preservation. What do authentic customer-centric companies do differently than those motivated by self-preservation?
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
Set up a new board for success
Diagnose and improve an under-performing board
Make a successful board even better