Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
How to Extend Your Customer Advisory Board's Value
How do you extend the value of a customer advisory board beyond those who participate in the meeting room to the rest of your organization? Here are a few of the most common challenges we see, and some recommendations to tackle them.
Listening and Acting: The Virtuous Circle of Engagement
Listening and acting are two concepts that are absolutely critical to the health and longevity of customer advisory boards.
Are your Silent Customers Voting with You or Against You? [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CUSTOMER THINK] Gathering feedback from your customers is important, but not every customer is apt to voice their opinion or review — whether negative or positive. Jane Hiscock, President of Farland Group, highlights specific tips to turn data into a customer-first strategy, and why the follow-up is imperative.
Musings on Coffee and Customer Input
Sometimes we need that small burst of encouragement to snap us out of the blur of the status quo.
A Board Member’s Perspective on Why CIOs Should Join Customer Advisory Boards [Mention]
[AS MENTIONED IN CIO | INSIGHT] Tom Greene, Chief Information & Business Services Officer for Colgate-Palmolive shares why he believes CIOs should join customer advisory boards in his article at CIOInsight.com.
Get Inspired: Add Customer Insights to Your Marketing Plan
As you build your marketing plan for 2016, make sure you include investment in tapping into customer insights to gain important knowledge and inspiration. Here are three ideas to get started.
Understanding Your Customers: Nothing Beats Talking to Them
Tony Zambito's "7 Elements of Customer Understanding the C-suite Must Master" addresses the critical need for CEOs and their C-suite teams to understanding customers. But there is an 8th element missing from his list: direct, face to face engagement with those customers.
How Content Creators Can Provide the Actionable Relevance the C-Suite Needs [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "Armies of content developers are packaging research results, expert opinions, and success stories into papers, podcasts, videos, and events… all of them rich with hard-earned insights. But does all this content fuel business development efforts?"
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
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Diagnose and improve an under-performing board
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