Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
Dolly Parton and Customer Advisory Boards….Totally Relatable!
Country music has never been my thing. New age / pop country, maybe sort of, but music by the likes of Dolly Parton did not appeal to me. Simply put, it wasn’t relatable. However, that quickly changed when our Farland Group President, Jane Hiscock, mentioned a podcast about Dolly Parton (full disclosure she wasn’t a big Dolly fan before the Podcast either).
To Dial, Or Not To Dial…That Is The Question!
We live in an era where technology is full-steam ahead and constantly changing. We hear this from our clients throughout our work at Farland Group — that companies are in a game of cat-and-mouse to keep up with one another. Technology is the reason it’s so easy to open my email first thing in the morning and send that quick note to the assistant I’ve been chasing for two weeks.
What Do Your Hobby and Day Job Have in Common?
I’ve never thought about comparing my hobby to my day job, but that’s because I’ve never taken the time to think about how the two could be similar. In How Your Hobbies Can Make You a Better CEO, Derek Schoettle, GM, Watson Data Platform, IBM, points out how a person’s hobby directly relates to their job, and the lessons you can apply to both.
AI, Humor and Engaging in Likeable Dialogue
It’s not surprising that companies are searching for ways to use Artificial Intelligence. At Farland Group, we hear from clients who are using AI within their own organizations — whether to cut down on manual tasks for employees or to create a better customer experience. We are seeing the use of AI on a consumer level too, so it makes sense that the people behind these capabilities are looking for ways to humanize them.
Customer Advisory Boards: Delivering Client Value through Peer Relationships
We see customer advisory boards delivering value to members through peers engagement. Here are just three of the many benefits of these peer connections.
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
Set up a new board for success
Diagnose and improve an under-performing board
Make a successful board even better