3 Customer Advisory Board Charter Templates to Jumpstart Your Program

A well-crafted advisory board charter is essential for setting expectations and ensuring alignment. To help you get started, we've created three distinct customer advisory board charter templates you can customize for your organization's needs.

Each of these customer advisory board charter examples offers a different approach:

  1. Traditional: A more detailed, formal charter covering additional topics like confidentiality, term limits, and success metrics. Well-suited for large corporations, mature CAB programs, or highly regulated industries, this charter emphasizes a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities.

  2. Concise: A streamlined charter focused on core elements like purpose, membership criteria, and meeting cadence. Ideal for organizations wanting a straightforward reference document or an agile advisory board structure.

  3. Mission-Driven: Sets the tone with an introductory mission statement, and includes sections on board evaluation and renewal. Offers more flexibility in customizing objectives and member criteria. Well-suited for organizations emphasizing strategic impact.

With these varied structures, levels of detail, and contents, you can start with one, or mix and match, to customize a charter that best suits your program.

Download the customer advisory board charter PDF templates, or copy the text below.

Which template is right for you? Consider your organization's culture, the maturity of your board program, and the level of detail your stakeholders expect. These templates are starting points—customize them to fit your unique needs.

Template 1: Traditional

[Company Name] [Advisory Board Name] Charter

I. Overview

The [Company Name] [Advisory Board Name] will convene a select group of [number] [industry/role] executives to serve as a sounding board for [Company Name]'s executive leadership team. This group will advise on [Company Name]'s longer-term market movements and business challenges that will shape future innovations and investments, as well as its most critical near-term business strategy questions.

II. Board Membership

  • The [Advisory Board Name] is comprised of approximately [number] leaders from [industries/roles].

  • Terms of service are [number] months.

  • Appointments are not perpetual to any specific firm, organization, or individual.

  • Members may not make substitutions or assign proxies to attend meetings, nor transfer their appointments should they change professional affiliations in the course of their service.

  • Should a member change their company during their term of service, their continued membership will be reviewed and confirmed by [Company Name]'s executive team.

  • To remain in good standing, a member must attend at least [number] regular [Advisory Board Name] meeting(s) per calendar year.

III. Value to Board Members

  • Opportunity to influence [Company Name]'s strategic direction and approach to serving clients.

  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing with peer executives from global enterprises, based on collaboratively developed agendas of greatest mutual interest.

  • Confidential, expert and cross-industry discussion of best practices and success in a rapidly changing world

  • Access to [Company Name]'s future direction and innovation.

  • Development of meaningful relationships with [Company Name]'s executive team and peer executives.

  • Ability to apply gained knowledge to business issues within members' own organizations.

IV. Responsibilities of Board Members

  • Communicate with candor, objectivity, and intellectual honesty during deliberations and interactions.

  • Contribute to the development of meeting agendas and review briefing materials prior to each meeting.

  • Commit to attending [number] meeting(s) of the [Advisory Board Name] per year.

  • [To identify and voluntarily participate in working groups that may be held from time to time to investigate specific challenges aligned to a need or interest]

  • [Additional responsibilities, if any]

V. Responsibilities of [Company Name]'s Executive Team

  • Engage [Advisory Board Name] members with full candor and intellectual honesty.

  • Approach interactions and accept feedback as constructive opportunities to learn and inform.

  • Participate in pre- and debriefing meetings, including to co-create meeting agendas designed to deliver value to both [Company Name] and the [Advisory Board Name].

  • Provide and review appropriate briefing materials in advance of each meeting.

  • Ensure clear lines of regular communication between [Company Name]'s Executive Team and each [Advisory Board Name] member.

VI. Confidentiality

  • The [Advisory Board Name] operates under the Chatham House Rule:

    • Insights from meetings may be shared freely but not attributed to any individual member or organization externally.

    • [Company] and board members do not disclose affiliation outside the board itself.

    • Members should not exchange or disclose competitively sensitive, non-public information.

  • [Additional confidentiality clauses, if any]

Document cover with Farland Group logo and title: The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards

Looking for more guidance?

Check out our comprehensive Expert Guide. It covers everything from recruiting the right members to evolving the board over time.

Alternative Language Board Purpose and Member Contributions

“…provides external perspectives, direction and insight on the trends, technologies and other critical issues affecting future growth and productivity.”

“…contribute first-hand knowledge and diverse executive viewpoints on the the transformation of today’s business models and the capabilities required to transition to those new models.”

“…a body for strategic dialogue where members contribute first-hand market knowledge, insights, and perspectives on the technological, social, and business challenges on the horizon.”

“…accelerate new thinking and innovation through group discussion, brainstorming, and collaborative business tests.”

“…share potential methods, outcomes, and perspectives that help all participants further their business goals.”

Template 2: Concise

[Company Name] [Advisory Board Name]

Charter and Operating Principles

1. Purpose

The [Company Name] [Advisory Board Name] convenes a premier group of [number] [industry/role] executives to advise [Company Name] on its near-term business strategy and explore longer-term issues that will shape its future innovation and investments.

2. Membership

  • Composition: [number] members from [industries/sectors]

  • Term: [number] years

  • Meeting Frequency: [number] times per year [in-person/virtually]

  • Attendance Requirement: At least [number] meeting(s) per year

  • Appointment: Individual and company-specific; delegation typically not allowed

  • Change in Affiliation: Membership reviewed if member changes company

3. Member Benefits

  • Collaboration with cross-industry peers and [Company Name] experts

  • Insights into industry challenges and best practices

  • Opportunity to influence [Company Name]'s strategic direction

  • Access to [Company Name]'s future innovation and direction

  • Development of relationships with [Company Name]'s Executive Team and peer executives

4. Member Responsibilities

  • Attend meetings and participate actively

  • Contribute to agenda development

  • Review pre-meeting materials

  • Engage in candid, objective discussions

  • [Additional responsibilities, if applicable]

5. [Company Name]'s Responsibilities

  • Provide candid engagement and intellectual honesty

  • Develop value-driven meeting agendas

  • Supply appropriate briefing materials before meetings

  • Maintain regular communication with [Advisory Board Name] members

  • [Additional responsibilities, if applicable]

6. Confidentiality

  • Chatham House Rule applies: Insights may be shared without attribution; no exchange of competitively sensitive information

  • [Company Name] may use attributed insights internally for client service improvement

  • [Additional confidentiality clauses, if applicable]

7. Focus Areas

The [Advisory Board Name] will address strategic priorities including:

  • [Focus area 1]

  • [Focus area 2]

  • [Additional focus areas as needed]

Template 3: Mission-Driven

[Company Name] [Advisory Board Name]

Mission Statement

The [Company Name] [Advisory Board Name] drives market-leading innovation and strategic growth by uniting diverse perspectives from [number] distinguished [industries/sectors] leaders. Through collaborative dialogue and strategic insight, this body shapes [Company Name]'s transformation agenda, accelerates its competitive advantage, and helps pioneer new markets and business models that deliver enhanced value to clients, partners, and the broader industry.

I. Board Structure

A. Membership

  • Composition: [number] transformative leaders driving industry change

  • Sectors: [list of strategic industries/markets]

  • Term: [number] months/years to ensure fresh perspectives

  • Geographic scope: [regional/global] representation

B. Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated leadership in business model transformation

  • Track record of strategic innovation in their sector

  • Influence in shaping industry direction

  • Commitment to collaborative value creation

C. Engagement Framework

  • Strategic sessions: [number] per year

  • Format: [In-person/Virtual/Hybrid]

  • Participation: Minimum [number] strategic session(s) annually

  • Special initiatives: Task force participation as needed

II. Strategic Impact Areas

A. Market Transformation

  • Identify emerging market shifts and opportunities

  • Shape new business model innovations

  • Accelerate digital transformation initiatives

B. Value Creation

  • Pioneer new approaches to client value delivery

  • Design next-generation solutions

  • Develop competitive advantage frameworks

C. Industry Leadership

  • Set new standards for industry excellence

  • Drive thought leadership initiatives

  • Foster ecosystem innovation

III. Value Exchange

A. Member Impact Opportunities

  • Shape future industry direction

  • Access cross-industry transformation insights

  • Participate in breakthrough innovation development

  • Build high-impact peer relationships

  • Gain early insight into emerging solutions

B. [Company Name] Commitments

  • Invest in bringing leading-edge thinking to members

  • Translate board insights into market solutions

  • Provide access to specialized expertise and research

  • Create platforms for peer learning and collaboration

IV. Strategic Responsibilities

A. Board Members as Catalysts

  • Drive strategic dialogue on industry transformation

  • Challenge conventional thinking

  • Share insights from market frontlines

  • Champion innovation initiatives

B. [Company Name] as Enabler

  • Orchestrate high-impact strategic discussions

  • Provide thought-provoking content and insights

  • Transform board input into market action

  • Facilitate cross-industry knowledge exchange

V. Knowledge Stewardship

  • Strategic discussions governed by Chatham House Rule

  • Framework for responsible innovation sharing

  • Mechanism for translating insights into action

  • [Company Name]'s insight application: [specify strategic uses]

VI. Impact Measurement and Evolution

  • Annual assessment of strategic impact

  • Evaluation of innovation initiatives spawned

  • Measurement of value created for stakeholders

  • Process for strategic renewal and evolution

  • Framework for continuous board enhancement

By joining the [Advisory Board Name], members commit to driving transformative change and creating lasting value for [Company Name], its ecosystem, and the broader industry.


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