C-Suite Engagement: Why Start at the Top

Recently, a marketing leader asked me why Farland Group focuses its work at the C-suite level. She shared her experience that sometimes the input of users can help to evolve products and services. I agree and in fact, gaining the assessments and advice of users is critical to the future success of product features and functionality. I asked her how she was sure they weren’t missing the forest for the features? We agreed that both c-suite engagement and user input are needed for longer and shorter term strategy advice. Often, we begin our Customer Advisory Boards in the C-suite and then connect product, service, and even regional Boards into the global C-suite Board. There likely isn’t a right or wrong answer on this – all feedback is valuable and important. But, given the choice, having a group of people who are focused on the longer-term headlights can help to ensure you are on the right path.

What approaches are you using to connect the near-term to the longer term?

How are you gaining advice on the things that matter most to your corporate, product and service teams?


Pick One Area to Focus on for the Rest of 2021


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