Find, Win, Keep:  Are you doing Enough to Keep Customers?

In his blog, Find, Win, Keep: A simple customer centric business strategy, Ian Golding describes a simple yet time-tested concept that is key to the customer journey: Find, Win, Keep.Finding and winning new clients is imperative for any business, but in this digital age where social media mentions and word of mouth can make or break brands, organizations must adopt strategic plans to keep their clients – and keep them engaged, happy and delighted.

As I read Ian’s piece, the simplicity resonated with me and it made me think about my work at Farland Group.  Our work with clients on their customer engagement strategies include Customer Advisory Boards and Customer Councils – which serve as great vehicles to engage current customers.  By involving customers in the evolution of strategy, products and service lines, organizations deepen and strengthen their relationships with this key group of people.  And over time, customers become advocates and evangelists for new and existing services and products, and can help in finding and winning new clients.

How are you looking at the Find-Win-Keep equation in your business and are you doing enough on the keep side?


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