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Still Afraid of AI? Don’t Be!

In a previous post, I discussed how it’s difficult to pinpoint the number of jobs that automation or AI will steal from humans. And, that employees’ fear of their duties being diminished or scaled back is partly due to a lack of knowledge about the technology.Following up on that blog — I came across an article that talks specifically to how workers view their jobs versus automation. The article references a survey by The Fair Workweek Initiative, and it’s clear that there are still negative views toward AI and automation in the workplace. 66% of those surveyed believe technology may replace some of their daily job tasks, while 57% feel new technology, like automation, will diminish their job quality, including wages and benefits. Similarly, organizations like the World Economic Forum, predict that related capabilities like machine learning will have a major impact on labor and significantly reduce jobs for people.There’s already a slew of AI or automation capabilities being adopted in retail — including self-checkout lines or robots moving boxes throughout a warehouse. This may explain why retail workers aren’t looking to the potential benefits of AI in the workplace. Though according to the article, many workers in general remain “optimistic” about new technologies being integrated to their daily work routines. I tend to also have a glass-half-full approach; the more I read and learn about AI, automation and machine learning, I view it as a positive rather than a negative. That’s because rather than spending time doing ordinary, dull tasks, AI, automation or machine learning could allow us to use our time on the more important, meaningful aspects of our daily job routines.If we begin to embrace AI and alike technologies, we can see the bigger picture and use it to our advantage.