Farland Group

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How often and for how long should our advisory board meet? Can we combine virtual and in-person meetings?

A successful format for customer advisory boards: 1-1.5 days, 1-2x per year.

A common, successful format for customer advisory board meetings is to meet in person for one to 1.5 days, once or twice a year. Some boards also supplement these in-person meetings with virtual meetings, which typically last 60 to 90 minutes and are held once or twice a year.

The exact cadence and format of your meetings should be tailored to suit your particular advisors and the board's charter. The key is to find a balance that allows for meaningful, in-depth discussions and relationship-building while respecting your advisors' time and schedules.

When can virtual meetings work well for customer advisory boards?

Virtual meetings can be an effective tool for customer advisory boards in several scenarios:

1. Continuing engagement between in-person meetings: Virtual sessions can help maintain momentum and keep the dialogue going during the "off-season" when the board is not meeting face-to-face. They provide an opportunity to follow up on action items, dive deeper into specific topics, or get input on emerging issues.

2. Discussing focused topics or challenges: If you need to gather feedback or advice on a specific, narrowly defined issue, a virtual meeting can be an efficient way to engage your board members without requiring the time and travel commitment of an in-person session.

3. Engaging global or geographically dispersed members: For boards with members located around the world, virtual meetings can be a convenient way to bring everyone together without the logistical challenges of international travel. Scheduling a virtual session during a time that works across multiple time zones can help ensure maximum participation.

4. Responding to unexpected events or crises: In situations like the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual meetings become a necessity to maintain the board's function and keep members engaged when in-person gatherings are not possible. Leveraging virtual meeting technology can help your board navigate unexpected challenges and continue providing valuable insights.

While virtual meetings can be a useful tool, it's important to remember that they are not a complete substitute for in-person interaction. Face-to-face meetings provide unique opportunities for relationship-building, networking, and in-depth discussion that can be harder to replicate in a virtual setting. The most effective customer advisory boards often use a combination of in-person and virtual meetings to balance engagement and value for all participants.